Al Bader Grant

Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad Al Sharqi, Al Bader initiative and the Government of Fujairah announced the launch of “Al Bader Financial Grant”, which aims at supporting writing projects under implementation and publishing new books about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), or studies on aspects of his life and virtues.
To strengthen the knowledge of the youth about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and his virtues about which Allah said: (You have been [formed] with a great moral character), and his biography that will remain a beacon until the Day of Judgment. It also aims at explaining the aspects of his greatness, wisdom, humanity, mercy, and perfection, in an elegant, attractive and endearing literary style.
Grant Categories

The biography in a contemporary literary Arabic style, showing the humanity of the greatest Messenger and the universality of the message he carried. In a literary form close to a novel, from 40,000 to 60,000 words.
Prophetic Biography: Ruba Shabaan - Palestine

A collection of poetry in praise of the Prophet (PBUH), his morals, stages of his life, attitudes, wisdom, and behavior. Poetry book of 100 to 150 pages.
Prophetic Praise (Poetry): Abdullah Ali Alenezi - Kuwait

The Prophet's Biography for children and young people, in simple, interesting language, and innovative and likable approach. Introducing him, and following his morals and attitudes.
Book or book series: Book: 15,000 to 20,000 words. Series: 6-12 booklets.
Prophetic Biography for Children and Youth: Zakiya Mohammad Khalid - United Arab Emirates
Grant Conditions
A new writing project – not published- for a book which is distinguished in its language and methodology in introducing the greatest Prophet and his biography, dealing with his attributes, stories and stages of his life, and linking his great biography with our present time in most aspects of contemporary life.
Documenting the content of the book with reliable sources and references, and strengthening it with adequate evidence.
Complying with the technical conditions of each category of the grant.
Commitment to the stages of book production from the beginning of its idea until its publishing.
Approval of the Jury committee to the technical conditions and design before printing.
Obtaining the necessary permits from the UAE before printing the book.
Al Bader Grant logo must be placed on the book cover and mentioned clearly inside the book.
Please note
- The nominated projects are presented as an idea, with several pages as a proposal, with an idea of the writing methodology and reference to the most important approved references. In the first stage, the deadline is April 30, 2023.
- Within 3 months, the three selected works in each category of the grant must complete and submit the project to choose the best among them. The deadline is 20 July 2023.
- Deadline for proposal submission: 30 April 2023
- Deadline for receiving the texts and selecting the best: 20 July 2023
- Selection of the winning books: 1 August 2023
- Deadline for receiving the printed works: 1 September 2023
- Winners are announced in the Mawlid Nabawi Celebration in September 2023
- Entries are accepted from authors and publishing houses.
- Three works are nominated in each of the grant categories, each of which receives AED 25,000 (twenty-five thousand dirhams).
- The winning work is selected in each of the grant categories, and it receives a second payment of AED 25,000 (twenty-five thousand Emirati dirhams) when selected, and a final payment of AED 50,000 fifty thousand (25,000 thousand of which is for the publishing house as a maximum in the event of nomination by publishing houses) after printing the winning book and submitting 100 printed copies.
- The grant will help in facilitating the printing of the winning and nominated books if they are submitted by individuals.